Peter Johnson & PiM

Insights Discovery & Deeper Discovery Licensed Practitioners

Insightful Thoughts

Author: Peter
Published: 28th January 2025

Give me heat!

I was recently relaying a story I heard many years ago, having enjoyed a sit by a wonderful log fire…which reminded me of the story. …

Author: Peter
Published: 24th December 2024

Charles Handy

I noted recently the sad news about the death of Charles Handy on 13 December 2024, at the age of 92. Apparently, he preferred the title - social philosopher to any others that were used. I shall always remember him a…

Author: Peter
Published: 26th November 2024

New horizons

As autumn slides onwards, with the temperature dropping, the night getting longer, the day shorter, there was a recent timely reminder the fingers of winter will soon tighten their grip. …

Author: Peter
Published: 31st October 2024


Autumn is a lovely time of the year for colours with the rich mixture of bronze, red, gold, yellow and more, with shades in-between, on the trees that are shedding their leaves. It is nature starting to hunker down fo…

Author: Peter
Published: 30th September 2024

Familiarity or bias?

Usually when we think of tomatoes the colour red springs to mind – that wonderful colour that attracts attention.

Author: Peter
Published: 31st August 2024

Waddling penguins

This penguin forms part of a trail, around the city and along the river, where 40 large and 40 smaller sculptures are on display. All have been painted by artists, many local and others from farther afield, all sponso…

Author: Peter
Published: 31st July 2024

Looking up or feeling down

The trees have seemed greener than ever this year.   I was admiring these wonderful old ones during a walk, really enjoying walking with trees both sides and the canopy hanging high a…

Author: Peter
Published: 29th June 2024

Learn, unlearn, relearn

It was 30 years ago that I stood on the lawns of Henley Business School, England on graduation day for my Masters of Business Administration Degree. A very special day for a whole variety of reasons.

Author: Peter
Published: 31st May 2024

In or out of focus…

I took the picture you can see expecting the distant part to be in focus with the flower out of focus. The flower providing a useful splash of colour for fairly misty and dull scene. The flower is in focus, the backgr…

Author: Peter
Published: 29th April 2024

A rest is as good as a change

The old saying that a change is as good as a rest still applies. Though in our always distracted world one could say that we are frequently changing. Certainly, to make a distinct change, rather than a phrenetic flipp…

Author: Peter
Published: 9th April 2024

Graduation Day

I am always inspired when I see people attending their graduation day. After all of their studies and exams it is now time to honour and celebrate their achievement; often with proud parents, family or friends. It is …

Author: Peter
Published: 1st March 2024

Lessons from a daffodil

The ‘quiet leaders’ all too often go unnoticed, un-thanked, unrecognised…yet often this approach to leadership delivers the best results. Long after the vibrance of colour has died away the green remains.

Author: Peter
Published: 31st January 2024

The learning zone

Whilst it was a dull day, the river looking rather muddy from the recent rains, I was very much enjoying my walk. It was all the more special because of the activities on the river. …

Author: Peter
Published: 30th December 2023

Time to reflect, time to mo…

I took a few days out for a study retreat with a lovely mixture of people I had never met before who were all working on specific parts of their...

Author: Peter
Published: 30th November 2023

What legacy are you creating?

The work from Carl Jung underpins Insights Discovery. As with so many things, one is influenced by others, as we too influence others.

Author: Peter
Published: 27th October 2023

Taking time out

When was the last time you were so absorbed in something where time seemed to have no measure or relevance? …

Author: Peter
Published: 27th September 2023

The easy route…

Early one morning this scene caught my attention, partly because I could hear the tractor moving things into place. It was race day. The coolness made one feel alive. The crystal-clear air, the clarity of the colours,…

Author: Peter
Published: 31st August 2023

Beyond a door

I was away for a few days and on my travels, I passed this door. It is old and gnarled, yet looks as if it has been doing a sterling job keeping out what is not warranted to pass under the wooden lintel and arched fra…

Author: Peter
Published: 31st July 2023

Lessons by Lake Zurich

All too often in the busyness of our own lives we are in haste to move on to deal with the next thing that torments us from our list of ‘must do’.   Something I have noticed for a lon…

Author: Peter
Published: 9th July 2023

C G Jung Institute 75th Ann…

The picture shows part of the garden at the C G Jung Institute at the side of Lake Zurich, Switzerland, where I was attending the International Conference to commemorate the 75th Anniversary year of the opening of the…

Author: Peter
Published: 28th May 2023

Seeing red

I was enjoying a few days in a coastal village very much appreciating the change of scenery. There is always something going on when the sea is involved, always something to catch one’s attention. …

Author: Peter
Published: 27th April 2023

Using our senses

One of the areas that Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst discusses in his works is what he calls the perceiving function of sensation. This covers the awareness and use of our five senses – seeing, he…

Author: Peter
Published: 30th March 2023

How open is your window?

As you can see from the picture, the view from the window is lovely. I was quietly enjoying the outlook during a thoughtful moment when something struck me. Yes, that air was a little on the fresh side but I had no wi…

Author: Peter
Published: 27th February 2023

Simplicity stands out

The London taxi is frequently called a ‘black cab’ obviously due to their colour. Certainly, over the past many years, though, other colours have been seen across this capital city; often for the purpose of advertisin…

Author: Peter
Published: 31st January 2023

Calm after the storm

There had been a prolonged period of heavy rain and storms that caused flooding in many parts of the United Kingdom. Nowhere near as devastating as in other parts of the world that had been reported on the news around…

Author: Peter
Published: 31st December 2022

75th Anniversary of the Cha…

A night of unexpected colours unfolded a to mark the 75 Anniversary of the Chartered Management Institute at the President’s Dinner, held in the Natural History Museum, London. Drinks with a dinosaur made a great star…

Author: Peter
Published: 30th November 2022

The tree that outlived the …

I was walking down the main street of a village in the late morning autumn sunlight. It was a cool day yet felt warm, due to the intensity of the sun and the wonderful bright blue sky. …

Author: Peter
Published: 31st October 2022

Critical coaching conversat…

It is interesting how something catches one’s eye when it seems out of place. In the case of what I am referring to it was quite subtle, then it wasn’t subtle at all, as the memory from a past time invaded my mind, an…

Author: Peter
Published: 30th September 2022

The power of blue

This blue colour energy has real power yet all too often in our faster paced world it can be interpreted as slow, when thorough is probably a better word. And the sting in the tail is that all too often, when thorough…

Author: Peter
Published: 28th August 2022

The Power Of Now

...the bells of this cathedral, in Worcester, are considered to create one of the finest rings in the world. As I continued to listen, with ‘wider ears’, I could also hear the ducks landing on the water, the water lap…

Author: Peter
Published: 29th July 2022

Hidden quiet power

I can certainly think of people who, from a distance may seem less significant - just like the dam from afar. Yet close up their silent strength is so powerful. Their steadfastness so reassuring, and their reserves ar…

Author: Peter
Published: 29th June 2022

Do we reflect our own bias?

Coming back to the reflection in the picture, in the river – it struck me that as much as I like to observe, with people development at the core of what I do, I am sure, at times, I am hugely absent from recognising a…

Author: Peter
Published: 29th May 2022

Shades of green

Nature had been a reminder of those wonderful people in the workshop, and the various shades of Earth Green colour energies that they brought in their world, our worlds. Each unique, each with massive contributions to…

Author: Peter
Published: 11th April 2022

What shadow are you casting?

I was reminded of the words written by Carl Jung “Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.”

Author: Peter
Published: 26th February 2022

The power and energy of dif…

The brighter, more dominant colours catch our eye. The more subtle green provides a background colour; yet without the green the brash nature of the two dominant colours starts to get tiresome on the eye and our inter…

Author: Peter
Published: 29th January 2022

Look beyond the foliage

When we lift our heads, take a little time, look carefully, properly, with respect, with awe at what the other person has in their ‘architecture’, we can really start to value people for who they are. There is so much…

Author: Peter
Published: 30th December 2021

Are you a Reformer?

I have heard many people talking about being glad when things are ‘back to normal’. I have observed before that ‘normal’ got us in this mess. I rarely go back as I am all too keen to move forward. …

Author: Peter
Published: 28th November 2021

Are you a Helper?

Nature is doing all it can to repair the damage we humans are doing to this amazing planet. We are wrecking dramatically faster than nature can manage, can repair. Using the reminder of the blend of yellow and green –…

Author: Peter
Published: 30th October 2021

Lifting our eyes to a dista…

When did you last take time out to look at the distant horizon and develop thoughts of ‘what could be’; do you have clarity of what needs doing in the ‘here and now’?

Author: Peter
Published: 27th September 2021

How much have you changed?

The autumnal equinox arrived a few days ago, marking the end of summer. As one season moves to the next there are acknowledged changes a new season brings. Here in England, a few delightfully sunny, and warm days have…

Author: Peter
Published: 30th August 2021

The luxury of sensation

Sadly, all too often one fails to take the time to enjoy the sensory attack, to deepen the experience, to create a stronger memory, to start to envision new possibilities, new opportunities. …

Author: Peter
Published: 28th July 2021

The secret power of green

...yet all too often the green is overlooked, certainly when the brighter colours abound. Perhaps it may well be worth considering: Who is getting the work done, remaining strong and steadfast and constant long after …

Author: Peter
Published: 29th June 2021

The Tutu Olive Tree

It also made me reflect on the Earth Green colour energy from Insights Discovery – a colour associated with calm, caring and peace. Not an energy, or colour, that aims to stand out like Fiery Red or Sunshine Yellow. A…

Author: Peter
Published: 31st May 2021

Clarity from looking upwards

I was in the middle of an open field which made the sky seem bigger, more majestic, so invigorating, so interesting. It reminded me of an exercise that I understand Milton Erickson, the American psychiatrist and psych…

Author: Peter
Published: 29th April 2021

Red in less of a hurry...

Perhaps a way of describing pink is that it is red in less of a hurry…still with joy and value to share, with more subtle depth if one is prepared to take a little more time. …

Author: Peter
Published: 31st March 2021

Hidden in the mist

The early morning mist was lying low on the field I was walking across. It was magical to get almost lost in the cold cocoon as...

Author: Peter
Published: 27th February 2021

Make your dreams reality…an…

...that is the magic – thinking of possibilities of something new, of something that can seem daunting and exciting at the same time. When these big ideas surface the person who enthuses their idea is unstoppable unti…

Author: Peter
Published: 28th January 2021

A clear view

There are huge lessons to learn from the pandemic about so many things. What have you learnt? Now that is not a superficial question.... Think differently. Find out what special really is for you. Do it now! Because i…

Author: Peter
Published: 29th December 2020

A worthwhile seasonal exercise

I take the opportunity at the end of each year to work through a series of paper-based exercises. These are exercises I share with my clients too. The exercises have been developed over many years of personal experime…

Author: Peter
Published: 27th November 2020

A message from Paddington Bear

It is not unusual to see a Paddington Bear or two standing in the window, looking as proud as can be, bringing a smile to many of the people who pass by. As you can see in the picture, on this day all was familiar, an…

Author: Peter
Published: 30th October 2020

Lessons from the art of nature

As I carried on my way it was a good reminder of the big picture of intuition and the value of sensation. Each playing a valuable part in the way we experience things. Each has a valuable contribution to...

Author: Peter
Published: 26th September 2020

A different perspective of the biggest gifts and signs of respect one can receive, is when someone took the time to show interest in you. Remember how that felt?

Author: Peter
Published: 26th August 2020

The tingle of being 'alive'

Stepping out of the shadows may feel scary – or perhaps is that tingle we experience when we really feel ‘alive’!!? …

Author: Peter
Published: 30th July 2020

Our perception is not alway… was with interest that I enjoyed a wonderful spectacle as I was walking across a field not far from a river. Eventually I just stopped and looked at the considerable number of birds in the air working independen…

Author: Peter
Published: 26th June 2020

Appreciating our senses

Author: Peter
Published: 30th May 2020

The colour of life

Author: Peter
Published: 28th April 2020

Is nature saying 'thank you'?

Author: Peter
Published: 29th March 2020

Someone sneezed...

Someone sneezed and the world changed....

Author: Peter
Published: 27th February 2020

Stand and stare

On such a perfect day I decided to ‘halt time’ – it is so easy to be busy; well, busy being busy. Looking at the picture I can now see the molehills in the foreground, which I had not noticed before...

Author: Peter
Published: 29th January 2020

Reflect to move forward

This picture struck me in a different way, it looks almost like fire – and my thoughts instantly went to the people of Australia, who have been suffering with the horrifying devastation of real fire...

Author: Peter
Published: 3rd December 2019

A fiery red sunrise

I was fortunate to be taking an early morning walk whilst I was away, just as the sun rose over the distant mountain range and coast. …

Author: Peter
Published: 3rd October 2019

Orange gets noticed, do you?

In my last article I mentioned the quiet yet impressive passion flower. Well I have been keeping a watchful eye on this plant over the past few weeks and...

Author: Peter
Published: 1st August 2019

Quiet may go unnoticed

Whether listening to a radio guest, reading an article in a magazine, watching an interview on the television or on a media channel, one is often taken by the enthusiasm of the...

Author: Peter
Published: 30th June 2019

Fiery red does get noticed

It had been a long day and I was in no rush – enjoying the last of the day and the wonderful views as I drove through the Cotswolds. I saw an expanse of rolling fields in the wide valley in front of me – one field sto…

Author: Peter
Published: 31st May 2019

Earth green under threat

The box month places the wonder of trees across the UK under threat. Yet despite this, the tree you see if healthy and eager to grow....

Author: Peter
Published: 29th April 2019

The power of colour...

The amazing colours in this picture herald the awakening of a new year for the ...

Author: Peter
Published: 31st March 2019

The rumble of the cattle gr…

As one turns off the road there is a cattle grid that one has to rumble over - something that has always had significance for me for a number of reasons...

Author: Peter
Published: 28th February 2019

When monochrome has beauty

My life is filled with the wonderful colours from Insights Discovery & Insights Deeper Discovery. After a few days I was aware that I was missing colour. Yet, when one looked carefully, the birds....

Author: Peter
Published: 30th December 2018

Making time for learning

Taking time out for new learning is never easy as life can seem so busy. Yet creating the opportunity for development makes sure that we don't keep peddling the same old stuff. Are you making time to develop yourself,…

Author: Peter
Published: 30th September 2018

So Where Do You Stand?

The greatest performance usually comes from playing to our strengths. This often comes from where we are most comfortable, but it is not always the place where development happens....

Author: Peter
Published: 20th August 2018

Take A Dive, Make A Deeper …

Leading a business can be a daunting and lonely challenge - often.....

Author: Peter
Published: 1st July 2018

Creating Flow

The use of art in the development of teams can seem a bit strange.....

Author: Peter
Published: 6th June 2018

Understanding Yourself Is A…

I often use the following quotation: …

Author: Peter
Published: 8th April 2018

Ride The Wave Of Success

One of the joys about working in a team is developing something where effort is rewarded equally when success moves from improbable, to possible to inevitable.

Author: Peter
Published: 20th March 2018

Building the Blocks of a Team

What is your first reaction to the picture? And have you had a second or even a third reaction too? …

Author: Peter
Published: 19th February 2018

Let Your True Colours Shine…

The Land Rover Defender, as it became known later in its life, is a strong working vehicle. It had few creature comforts when compared with a modern car. It was also mostly supplied in fairly subtle colours for the ma…
