Peter Johnson & PiM

Insights Discovery & Deeper Discovery Licensed Practitioners

The power and energy of different colours

I notice a splash of colour in my front garden from a plant that had burst into flower. It was not one I had planted, so it clearly self-seeded itself. And what a joy to see.
It is out of place but I have no intention of disturbing it whilst it is giving such a wonderful display of colour…and bringing joy to others. It has been noticed by more than one person, who has passed a delightful comment. Perhaps because there is so little colour, as we slowly surface from our winter.
I took a picture when I first noticed the flowers, and carried on my way; often when something catches my attention my mind seems to want to play with a few thoughts. Usually some meaning surfaces, and this was the case with this little fellow. Yet when I looked at the flower a few days later instead of two flowers, two more had appeared. In fact, I was so surprised that I thought I had made a mistake with what I had noticed the first time, so checked on the original picture I had taken – indeed it was two and is now four, as you can see in the picture.
The thoughts that surfaced were many. The ones I will share related to Insights Discovery and the colour energies that are used in this powerful instrument, which helps individuals and teams become a more effective version of their former selves.
If we take the main colours here, we have red, yellow and green – or in the world of the true Insights Discovery colours, Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow and Earth Green. I have put them in that order as that is the order, I suppose, I noticed. (The fourth colour, Cool Blue, is missing.)
This colour order represents the position of Motivating Director, on the Insights Discovery Wheel.

Now to demystify all this jargon, and explain what this means in practical terms. Someone who ‘shows up’ in this wheel position uses their colour energies as follows:
·      Leads with the fiery red energy – action focussed, decisive and wants to get stuff done.
·      Next is sunshine yellow – wants to be involved and involve others.
·      Then there is earth green – wanting to make sure that the right care and consideration is given.
The brighter, more dominant colours catch our eye. The more subtle green provides a background colour; yet without the green the brash nature of the two dominant colours starts to get tiresome on the eye, our interest soon wanes. Like it may do with someone who leads just with the two dominant colours.
This was useful food for thought.

I have been working with some people who display the colours discussed here. They are great at that they do, importantly they now know themselves rather better, and are keen to improve. So, our next conversation may include the value and importance of the green colour energy. It will also include the value of the missing colour, cool blue, where some fact and detail may well be required too.

When I passed the flowers on my return I shared a 'thank you' for triggering my imagination, and providing worthwhile food for thought.

They also made me smile :-)

My best wishes,
