Peter Johnson & PiM

Insights Discovery & Deeper Discovery Licensed Practitioners

Waddling penguins

This penguin forms part of a trail, around the city and along the river, where 40 large and 40 smaller sculptures are on display. All have been painted by artists, many local and others from farther afield, all sponsored by a wide variety of organisations. They have certainly added extra colour and interest over the summer. It has been wonderful to hear the joy from the children and also from many of the adults. The number of people I meet on my walks has significantly increased due to the interest.
Whilst phones have been used to record the pictures it has been a lovely sight to see families interacting with each other rather than glued and stooped looking into small screens. Outside, having some exercise and interest in the trail, opening up discussions, conversations. Exploring and perhaps seeing part of the city that they had not visited before.
It has attracted people from outside the area too, so a new place for them to explore with new sights to see.
Sadly, this fine specimen has been damaged and throw into the nearby river by some unthinking, uncaring idiots. It has denied so many people the joy of seeing the vibrant colours and being able to mark it off on their trail map. I have overheard some sad children making comment when they see the empty plinth - they were looking forward to seeing and recording each penguin and now they have a gap. Each is distinctive and unique.
The extra insult is the penguins form a trail that is raising valuable funds for the local Hospice.
Fortunately, the fire brigade managed to retrieve the penguin from the river, so it is away for some tender loving care, following the damage. Sadly, two others were damaged on the same evening, probably by the same thoughtless characters; they too are away for some restorative care. The penguins, sadly not the culprits.
It is heartening that thinking and caring people have come forward and offered to pay for the repairs so no funds are lost by the Hospice. It reminds us that in spite of some who destroy the vast majority of people are kind and respectful.
Hopefully it will be back in fine form for a collective display where all of the penguins gather so they can be all seen in one place. Then they are auctioned, raising funds, so the Hospice can continue helping those in need.
The orange from to the bird is a glorious rich orange which, which in Insights Discovery language, is the Motivator. Certainly, this wonderful penguin has motivated many to come and visit and enjoy the trail.
I have been asked countless time ‘how do I motivate my team/someone?’

An oft used answer by many is that motivation is an inside job, meaning you can’t actually motivate someone. 
There are many things that can be done to create a situation, develop a behaviour, inspire, where someone may become motivated and wish to do positive and good things. Unlike negative acts of destruction.

Perhaps a little time pondering the question and seeing what answers you come up with could be useful. I am sure you too have needed and wished to motivate either yourself or others…so what did you do?
I’ll leave you with a lovely quotation by the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore:

'I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I woke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold service was joy.’

Food for thought.
My best wishes,