Peter Johnson & PiM

Insights Discovery & Deeper Discovery Licensed Practitioners

Looking up or feeling down

The trees have seemed greener than ever this year.
I was admiring these wonderful old ones during a walk, really enjoying walking with trees both sides and the canopy hanging high above. The dappled light on the path, the occasional extra glint of light as the gaps revealed the blue above. Just wonderful. I was fully immersed in a delightful sensory journey, loving the cool of the morning, the rustle of the leaves, even the scent from the subtle coloured flowers and pollen. The birds chirping and fluttering away.
Days like this are special and need to be savoured in my estimation.
Yet most of the people I met were gazing at the most distracting ‘real estate’ in their hands, often with ear buds installed. Inevitably looking down. If a dog was along for the walk that too was mostly being ignored. An interesting adaptation in our 21st century life. More of more and never enough. Our increasingly ever-distracted world.
I too can easily get distracted, often do, but when I am out for a walk like this all of my devices are tucked away. Only to surface if a decent picture comes to my attention…such as the one you can see. It is a real treat to stop and look up periodically rather than look forward, or as with so many, look down. (And we wonder why so many people are feeling ‘down’…perhaps there is a link.)
So why did this strike a chord, even a note from a distant church bell?
Jung identified the areas of sensation and intuition as ‘functions’. Sensation is where we use our senses and present in the moment; more practical. Intuition is where we have a bigger picture focus, sometimes illogical ideas; more possibility. One can do both but will have a preference for one or the other. It doesn’t mean someone with one preference can’t do the other - it is only a preference.
On my walk I was clearly using my senses for a while. I know at other times on the same walk my mind wandered and wondered…the intuition taking over.
When you are out for a walk where is your focus – in the practical, in the possibilities, in the distracting stream?
Where would best serve you?
My best wishes,