Peter Johnson & PiM

Insights Discovery & Deeper Discovery Licensed Practitioners

A clear view

I am sure in these days of ‘lockdown’, due to the pandemic, many will be lamenting their lack of freedom, and perhaps enjoying some of the pictures taken when the restrictions were eased a few short weeks ago. I do hope so.
I have been looking through a few recent photographs I took. After a very quick look at this picture, I moved to the next and then the next. I then went back - whilst I had looked at the picture, I hadn’t really seen much more than the green of the crops and the blue of a bright sky.
It is a scene I know well. I have been up and down this hill for many decades. On the day I took this picture I remember stopping just because it was a really cold, crisp and breezy day, with the stunning crystal-clear view. As often happens, and we see other people do the same, the picture is taken and then usually one’s attention rapidly moves to other things. The trophy of the image captured only to gathering digital dust as the next ‘fix’ is sought.
It was strange I flipped past the picture so quickly. On the day in question, I remember so clearly lingering to saviour the view, feel the chill of the breeze, catching the smell of the brussels sprouts growing in the field, hearing the birds, including a pheasant that was hiding in the crops. I leaned on the field gate and knew all too soon the crop would be gone, the stony rust coloured soil (which is a far more intense colour on the field, than in the foreground of the picture) would be prepared for a new and different rotated crop. An old way to value the land, restore the soil, showing nature the respect, and thanks, it deserves.  
When I returned to re-look at the picture I have been paid handsomely with my memories of that fine day. I also have taken much longer to look at the detail of the seemingly simple picture. And wow, there is so much to see! From the stones at my feet, the church, haystack to the undulating distant horizon and escarpment beyond – so much discovery, so much to enjoy.
With Insights Discovery the objective is to look more deeply at ourselves. It also helps us appreciate others more deeply too. It helps us become much more effective in what we do. The caveat is we do have to take some time to look at the picture we are seeing. And just like the picture seen here, the more closely we look the more there is to learn, to see, and crucially, to value.
So why not take just a little longer to appreciate the finer points of people in our lives. Whether that is work, home, and indeed other people we interact with. I am sure their ‘landscape’ will be far richer, far more interesting, far deeper than that casual glace as if they were a familiar picture.
Do you remember what it felt like when someone took time to get to know you better?
What will it make someone else feel like when you take the time to get to know them better?
I can tell you in one word. Special.
There are huge lessons to learn from the pandemic about so many things. What have you learnt? Now that is not a superficial question to glibly answer into the wind over a field gate – take your journal, or a sheet of paper if you are not yet into journaling, and for a few minutes write down your thoughts. Keep writing and thinking, the first answers will probably be very shallow, it is worth digging deeper into your mind and embracing how you feel deep inside. I hope two of the thoughts are to take some time to get to know yourself better, and taking some time to get to know others better.
Many people are saying: ‘I’ll be glad when we are back to normal.’ ‘Normal’ got us into this mess!
Think differently. Find out what special really is for you. Do it now!
Because if you don’t, the plough will return to your field of dreams and all too soon you will be back into your rut.
My best wishes,