Peter Johnson & PiM

Insights Discovery & Deeper Discovery Licensed Practitioners

Clarity from looking upwards

The month of May, here in England, has been an uncharacteristically rainy month, it has also been cooler than usual too. Not that this has bothered me, I merely dress appropriately and get on with enjoying my day.
The weather is ever the topic of conversation, also ever the opportunity for many people to moan – indeed I turned the radio off yesterday morning because the presenter, of what is meant to be an uplifting programme, was having a real whinge; his negativity was not something that I had any intention of enduring. After a rather pathetic comment about going for an early morning walk in shorts, then complaining that he was cold, I knew I could find much more enjoyable things to do – indeed, I went for a walk and it was wonderful, the sky clearing beautifully, the sun warming up the day.
I have discovered that these negative and dulling comments are all too easily, and all too often, slid into many statements made by people on the radio, television; in fact, most media. Hence, why my intake is small and selective – focussed just on keeping up to date, aiming to avoid or dismiss the subtle toxic additional ingredient all too frequently dispensed.
The other thing I often notice is that many people walk with their head bowed, their shoulders slumped with the seeming weight of the world bowing their backs. Else a mobile phone being the centre of their universe as they check the next social media feed, email or facetime call – again with their head bowed low. This stooped appearance does make one wonder if they are also feeling less than happy.
I am sure I am at times guilty too, but I know that is rare, simply because when I walk I am keen to pay attention to what is going on around me. Perhaps in nature, perhaps because the ground is uneven, perhaps because my mind is busy as I am tuned into something that I am working through. (I have also written a book on how to cure and avoid back pain - good posture is key.)
On this day I was really enjoying the wonders of nature. I had taken a picture of quite an ‘emotional’ sky that was full of energy and billowing clouds backlit by the sun. Not a great picture from a technical aspect, although I was pleased with the impact and sure that it will be used for something all in good time. When I turned to walk on, I was struck by the picture you see with this amazing patchwork of blue and white. Now that is a sky that would be enjoyable to paint, to splash onto canvas!
I was in the middle of an open field which made the sky seem bigger, more majestic, so invigorating, so interesting. It reminded me of an exercise that I understand Milton Erickson, the American psychiatrist and psychologist used to ask some of his patients to do. He advised them to look up into the sky when walking down the road, and count chimney pots. Whilst there are no chimney pots in this picture, it did remind me of the advice he gave. Here in the UK, there is a comment about ‘keep you chin up’ when you are feeling a little miserable. Looking skywards encourages us to do just that. I have no idea whether there is any medical or scientific proof of this idea from Dr Erickson. I do know I was in a great frame of mind by the end of my walk and certainly not stooping with my head hung low.
A few days before this walk I was running a session with a client using Insights Deeper Discovery. Indeed, I had been reviewing my own Deeper Discovery Profiles too, especially the way they had changed over the years since I became the world’s first accredited practitioner. The calmness of the pastel sky in this picture became a perfect way of getting back to a less complex ‘canvas’. It certainly helped clarify a few personal points that had surfaced when I was using the power of the Deeper Discovery instrument that I love so much.
In the last article I wrote about red, but not in a hurry. This sky reminded me that sometimes the softer hues of colour have their own unique power. It also reminded me that when I did lower my view from the sky, I noticed anew the rich colours that I could now see with fresh insight.
A useful reminder that, at times, it is important to change our line of sight so we can regain appreciation of what we have stopped seeing.
Whilst this applies to the landscape it can be so true of the people around us too. Are their colourful gifts being valued?
Now that is food for thought…as I start to add more of the Insights colour palette back into my deeper plans!
My best wishes,