Peter Johnson & PiM
Insights Discovery & Deeper Discovery Licensed Practitioners
Author: Peter
Published: 30th September 2022
The power of blue
Nature never ceases to surprise me with the sudden way something can catch one’s eye. The colour of this flower caught my attention as there were just a few of these blue flowers almost twinkling like sapphires, in a withered wild flower bed that had been planted next to a path.
It is not a large flower and I loved the way it nestled in with the green foliage yet determined to make a bright showing.
After I had taken some time to investigate further, and see what else was amongst the leaves and take a picture, I carried on my way. It was not long though before my mind started to refocus on the colour blue and what this can mean in our work. I had run some Insights Discovery profiles recently, for a group of people, where the main lead colour was blue – I started to reflect on some of the conversations.
Blue in the Insight Discovery palette signifies introversion with thinking. People who lead with this colour energy can be rather reserved, liking data and facts because they want to be accurate and prepared. Often, they will raise lots of questions and give the impression they are indecisive – usually it is not indecision, merely that they have yet to gather enough information to ensure they can make a good decision, or offer reasoned advice.
I remember one of the conversations so clearly as I was quizzed quite intensely on aspects of what we had covered, and more. I certainly enjoyed the conversation and the interest the person was showing with some excellent questions, many requiring me to think deeply before answering.
I have learnt over the years that people ask questions for a whole variety of reasons. Sometimes to make the person asking the questions appear clever, or get noticed. Sometimes a barrage of questions to score points against the other person – a few minutes listening to politicians often yields an example. Sometimes to try and trip up the person being questioned. Sometimes by someone who has a genuine interest and keen to learn more.
The person referred to above fell into the last category. So much so that I know he ordered a book I recommended, and I am sure read. Yet I am also sure at times some colleagues would get frustrated by their questioning, failing to recognise the value of such scrutiny. Albeit at other times the level of scrutiny may not really be justified for the issue at hand.
This last point was one where nature helped with the answer – the stem on which the flower stood was long enough to allow it to blow gently in the wind. And this is the point, it moves around to suit the wind conditions.
· Yet how often do we allow ourselves to bend in the wind and show some flexibility?
· And how often do we stand and hold our position, when the issue is of enough importance, in spite of the wind?
· How good at spotting the right situation to bend and the right situation to stand firm are we?
This blue colour energy has real power yet all too often in our faster paced world it can be interpreted as slow, when thorough is probably a better word. And the sting in the tail is that all too often, when thoroughness is needed, it can indeed be the faster way.
My best wishes,