Peter Johnson & PiM

Insights Discovery & Deeper Discovery Licensed Practitioners

Seeing red

I was enjoying a few days in a coastal village very much appreciating the change of scenery. There is always something going on when the sea is involved, always something to catch one’s attention.
I loved seeing this boat lying on its side, whilst the tide was out. A seagull having a look to see what morsels could provide a late lunch. The damp sand, weeds and boat looking bright in the early afternoon sun. The mooring ropes visible for this and other boats also lying on their side.
What initially caught my attention, encouraging me to take the picture, was the red of the boat - yet the more I looked at the whole image it was clear that the subtleness of the other colours made the red stand out.
As I carried on with my walk, I realised that in the world of Insights Discovery the initial four colours, or colour energies, of red, blue, green and yellow, (or to give them their correct names Fiery Red, Cool Blue, Earth Green and Sunshine Yellow) would have been present if the sand had been the colour of the beach around the corner, rather than the silty beige where the boat rested.
Here, at least, the three colours of red, blue and green are visible whilst the boat is at rest. Once the tide turns and the sea returns the boat will float on the water. The green disappearing, the blue barely visible and the red becoming the main colour. Once the boat has a load, the remaining blue will disappear too. Now that did make me think - all too often when we meet people who have a dominance of the Fiery Red colour energy it can, if used poorly, become the main behaviour the person displays. That of assertiveness. The value, benefit and depth of the other colour energies becoming overwhelmed. Yet with a little considered behaviour, the other colours can play usefully into the conversation, or task at hand.
I did smile that this red boat also has the boat fenders to provide a shock absorbing cushion when it bumps into the side of the mooring or another boat!
This was a valued reminder that when all I can ‘see’ is red, with a little more questioning and exploring the worth of the other colour energies can be exposed and enjoyed.
Often the term monochrome is interpreted as black, white and shades of grey; when in fact it can also mean the shades of one colour. In this example, that of red.
Isn’t our world usually so much more enjoyable when we see the spectrum of colours? But how often do we make the time to explore them…especially when we are working with people and have an understanding of the Insights Discovery model?
As I walked on it was sad to see so many people more interested in the small screen of ‘real estate’ carried in their hand that the real world that was but a mere glance away.
A useful reminder for me to not just look; to make the time to see what our amazing world has to share.
My best wishes,