Peter Johnson & PiM

Insights Discovery & Deeper Discovery Licensed Practitioners

A rest is as good as a change

The old saying that a change is as good as a rest still applies. Though in our always distracted world one could say that we are frequently changing. Certainly, to make a distinct change, rather than a phrenetic flipping and flopping between things, almost always pays back in worthwhile ways.
A friend and I decided to meet for a much-delayed lunchtime catch up; a place roughly in the middle was our chosen meeting point. I had identified an old brewery that had a delightful place for lunch…well I hoped it would be delightful…for what is always a valuable and enjoyable catch up.
The brewery is now in its 175 year, still busy brewing a wide variety of beers. Interestingly, they still have some shire horses – used to deliver barrels to local public houses…in a time honoured way. I am sure the occasional motorist is a little peeved having to go at horse speed, I am sure the majority of people who see well-groomed horses pulling a waggon, with the draymen looking smart in their uniforms, admire the sight. A reminder that sometimes slow has more joy that quick.
The brewery building itself is an interesting construction, nestling close a stream for the water. Made from local ironstone with a variety of levels, differing shaped rooves, a red brick chimney and more. Designed to do a job – one is has been doing successfully for a long time.
I will confirm that their products I have tried over the years have all be a delight.
It is in a rural setting in Oxfordshire, England, and the people who work there seemed to be delightful and very focussed, making their visitors feel welcomed and well looked after. Sadly, not always the case in other places. Perhaps the slower pace of the countryside was having an impact, perhaps they learnt from the shire horses and their majestic ways, perhaps it was because the visitors all seemed to be less pressured. This was off the beaten track, not a quick stop on a high street.
All too often we get back the attitude that we project – something that working with Insights Discovery can help to shape. Indeed, I have been working with clients recently where it is all too clear that small adjustments in behaviour, to ‘adapt to connect’, is paying useful rewards in the interpersonal connections, within their business and for their visitors. Sometimes a small change can make a big difference.
Over the years, time has changed things, ways of behaviour have changed, attitudes within work have changed too. Looking at some of the old photographs on display at the brewery, it interesting to see the long history of this place of work. I left wondering how the interpersonal relationships between owners, management and worker has changed over the years. One thing for certain though is that we are still people – often aiming to complete a decent day of work and develop some camaraderie with our colleagues.
A useful pause in the week. Certainly a delightful time to step back from the ‘busy’ so one can see more clearly what really is important and what is mere ‘noise’ on our radar.
So, when was the last time you stepped away from the ‘busy’?

I can confirm lunch was a delight too. A reminder that undistracted time is really powerful in gaining focus on what is important…then getting on with what needs to be done. Rather than fooling ourselves that being busy always means being productive.
Perhaps the saying I started with can be changed to: ‘a rest is as good as a change’.
My best wishes,