Peter Johnson & PiM

Insights Discovery & Deeper Discovery Licensed Practitioners

Insightful Thoughts

Author: Peter
Published: 28th January 2025

Give me heat!

I was recently relaying a story I heard many years ago, having enjoyed a sit by a wonderful log fire…which reminded me of the story. …

Author: Peter
Published: 24th December 2024

Charles Handy

I noted recently the sad news about the death of Charles Handy on 13 December 2024, at the age of 92. Apparently, he preferred the title - social philosopher to any others that were used. I shall always remember him a…

“Enthusiastic professionals who have a vast depth of knowledge and always willing to share - who deliver with exceptional support. Trusted confidants and the ‘go to’ people in an hour of need.”


One of the tragedies is so much potential is never released at individual, team and business level. A quotation that reminds us of this is: "The greatest waste in the world is the difference between what we are and what we could become" Dr Ben M Herbster. The services my team and I provide are designed to help close the gap between reality and potential.


A highly personal and totally individual approach to self-development. You will be guided to create clarity and change using the power of executive coaching, career refocusing, skill development, increasing personal awareness, living life with purpose. You will have your own trusted confidant working with you to make change happen.


High performing teams are the bedrock of most organisations. Yet all too often the teams are anything but high performing. The individuals and the business paying a high price due to poor communication, lack of clarity and uncertainty. The ripple effect impacting the wider business and clients. Crucially, are you making time to step up and reap the benefits of teams that are higher performing?


Do you have a clear understanding of the strategic advantage your organisation has? Most don't. Leading an organisation can be a daunting and lonely challenge – often it can be helpful to bring someone in to provide a fresh insight. Creating the space to review your organisation is often one of the most powerful ways to inspire your own people and improve the service you offer.


Dr Ing LCF Porsche said ‘You aren’t interested in mediocrity. Enjoy yourself on your journey beyond conformity.’ Drawing from a portfolio of vast depth and breadth a highly bespoke programme can be created to make the transformation you are seeking. Let the blending of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ skills, the meeting of analytical and abstract, bring a unique approach to your situation – fully developed with you to leave a lasting legacy.

Insights In Motion

Insights Discovery is recognized by many as the best personal profiling instrument available to you in the world today. It will really help you learn about yourself, your team, your organisation and critically your clients - helping you improve performance, and fast. Look at these short videos - only 90 seconds each - to get a good idea of what we can start together.

Clients & Testimonies

"Your session will go down as being one of our favourite forums, one that will be talked about for many years to come."

"Your involvement is always a catalyst for positive action."

"Your guidance and support during the past few years has been amazing and has helped me navigate the sometimes stormy waters of senior management."

"Thank you for delivering a superb interactive workshop with the team - we are awash with colours and lots of positive feedback."

"I have been pleasantly surprised by the power of Insights Discovery in self-development and better understanding of personal and work place relationships. Peter's relaxed and informative style of presentation together with the elegant venue provided an enjoyable and rewarding experience."

"I have very much appreciated your enthusiasm and commitment to our success as a business…thank you for the personal support, coaching and encouragement you have given to me as HR Director, this has helped me enormously over the years and I really appreciate it."

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